
All Cleaning Solutions bv is your supplier of choice for all your cleaning products, materials and equipment. With over 25 years hands-on experience, we know what you want to work with. With the choice of our range, we focused on leading brands and products that are known for quality and durability, though we always try to present the best possible price. Main brands are Wagtail Cleaning Tools, Unger, Buzil and recently Telewastechniek ..

We also represent a number of small vendors with special products. Our current customer base consists mainly of professional cleaning, homeowners associations, contractors, painters and decorators, (sport) canteens, medical practices and garages. Timing and service for professionals are the utmost importance and that we always strive for in our services. Our work area extends across the Netherlands and Belgium! With our website we want to give you an overview of our products.

However, if you miss something, send us an email. Report them what you need, stating your (company) name, phone, address and city, we take within 2 working days to contact you! Please see our product pages for an overview of our data. Clear and simple.


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